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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pink for St. Patrick's Day

Although I have Irish in my blood, dressing in green is about as far as I go to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I was reminded today by my 3 year old cousin that there are reasons to celebrate a lot of things in life...

When told he was supposed to wear green on St. Patrick's Day today by his mom, he responded with the innocent reply of, "Okay, but when is SpongeBob's Day?". He then was completely confused as to why the color of choice was green, instead of pink because Patrick, the starfish on SpongeBob, is pink.

I have been smiling about it for a good part of the afternoon, not because it's just a silly thing that only a little kid would say, but because they have imaginations far more creative than any of us. So on this St. Patrick's Day celebrate the little things that make you happy...even if that may be Spongebob.

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