If you hav
e walked through my apartment lately, you know that there are post-its all over in random, but well thought out places. They were placed there on purpose by yours truly. They may not go with my decor, and hot pink doesn't exactly match my "colors", but they have played a significant part in my life in the last few months.
On a few of these post-its there are Bible verses, others state that He loves me greater than anyone else and the rest remind me to pray for things that have been heavy on my heart. Some days they are ever so present and others it's as if I see right through them like they are not even there at all. I get ready every morning and they "appear" not to be on my mirror in my bathroom, on the mirrors in my bedroom, on my refrigerator, tea maker or even on my front door...I don't know if it's that they start blending in after a while with the rest of my "stuff" or if I'm in such a hurry that I don't think I have time to read the Bible verse or say just a small prayer...probably both. What I have discovered, is that even in the rush of my busy day of going here and there, God doesn't seem to forget that I have post-it notes hanging all over my apartment. He does not forget and He reminds me ever so kindly in the busyness, or laziness, or maybe even in my craziness. He always seems to find a place in my day to make it apparent to me that I need to pay attention to these simple post-its.
One of the things that has been so heavy on my heart is Haiti. It was easy in the beginning to hurt for the people of Haiti, to worry about the children in Haiti and to pray that He watches over everyone in Haiti. After the earthquake, my heart started saying adopt, adopt, adopt...it wouldn't stop and it hasn't yet. My heart aches for children without loving parents like mine. My heart aches to see them hurting, suffering and crying out for help. And as time has moved on however, the news starts to focus on new problems and the children and people of Haiti have been pushed aside in the newscasts. But again, God has not forgotten the people of Haiti, He has not forgotten their hurt, their pain, their tears. He is there. He is everywhere.
It is in those days that I hear the least about Haiti that I see a blog about someone adopting, or someone going to adopt, my friends sponsoring a child in another country, a twitter message from someone who has already adopted, or an article about the things you don't think about before you adopt...these things keep showing up, day after day after day. He is placing His own post-it notes in my life reminding me to pray, to remember and to think about what I can do. Maybe what He is wanting me to do takes time, it may not be tomorrow, or a month from now, it might be a year, or years.
Two of the post-its that are hanging in my apartment read "Pray for the Orphans" and "Pray about Adopting". When I wrote both of these post-its, Haiti was on my heart and in my mind. Yes, I would love to help the orphans of Haiti and adopt them all and bring them here if I could. But lately, I have started to realize that I did not specify Haiti on either post-it. If I have learned anything about the last few years of my life it is that things do not always happen as I plan them. I have learned that my life is in His hands, it is not in mine. And I have discovered that His plan is ALWAYS more beautiful than mine. I can't predict the future, but I know what is in my heart. For now my non-descriptive post-its are perfect and I am simply waiting until He decides to show me that something beautiful.