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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Summer Must Reads

So I may be incredibly busy this summer. But you can bet that I still will manage to fit in a book or two! One of my favorite people asked for some suggestions for girlie books. They are not all girlie and you may not love them all, but these will be on my summer reading list.

Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom

If Mitch Albom sounds familiar...well there's probably a reason for that. He wrote the Five People You Meet in Heaven (I have yet to read this!, but you will see that soon!). He also wrote Tuesdays with Morrie. If you have read Tuesdays with Morrie - you need to. I actually read it before I worked at the Muscular Dystrophy Association with ALS patients. I read it when I was in high school and also watched the movie. And let me tell you it's wonderful and it makes me cry. Partly because of seeing this horrible disease happen to the sweetest, most wonderful people and knowing there's not a cure. Read it if you haven't already. Enough sidetracking, I haven't read Have a Little Faith and the Lord knows I sure could use a little.

Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks Ladies! Need I say more?! I have read this one already, get the tissues. However, I have yet to watch the movie. So apparently the movie will be on my summer blockbuster list instead! Nicholas Sparks is not my favorite author...shocker! I know, I know...I feel like you never really know why they are in love in the book. I need detail! (Not that kind of detail sickos) Just more romance. It's hard to explain. I always like the movies better...can anyone say The Notebook? And yes, I know I'm like the only human being who didn't like the book. Sorry. I'm picky.

Belong to me by Marisa de los Santos

I have read Belong to Me. But I want to read it again! My friends and I decided on a Girls Night to go to Barnes and Noble and pick up one book that we would want to read. The catch? We went back to my apartment and wrapped all the books, placed them in a pile and then we drew numbers of who got to pick first. We would then switch books after we had finished reading. 5 for 1! I didn't get to read it first...heartbreaking! Especially since it had the cutest cover of all the books! Eventually I was able to read this book...however I didn't know that it was actually a sequel to a book called Love Walked In...I know, it says it on the top of the book. I was looking at the cover, remember?! Anyway, I honestly can't remember a lot of what it's about. I just know I liked it. So Belong to Me is on my re-read list this year. And another side note - I bought Love Walked In and didn't get past the 3rd page. Maybe because I read them in reverse order? Not sure. I still have yet to figure that out! Maybe I should try to read it again the correct order.
The First Counsel by Brad Meltzer

I have spent many summers in Colorado reading thrillers by Brad Meltzer. My favorite: The Millionaires. There are still so many that he has written that I have not read and I may have to read a couple this summer. I would read any book available by Brad Meltzer. This is just my pick this summer! Brad Meltzer is creative and you just have no idea what is going to happen next! I can't wait to read it.

Plan B by Pete Wilson

What do you do when God doesn't show up the way you thought He would? I'm currently reading Plan B right now. And yikes, does it speak to my life. I mean I never planned to get sick the way that I did...and I can tell you that there were times that I was just mad, angry, scared, crazy and just lonely. But you know what? I lived. God didn't have to make me live. So how am I going to handle those Plan B's in the future? What if I'm not married at 27 like always planned? What if I don't get to be a stay at home mom? What if? What if? What if? What do you do when God doesn't have the same plan that you do? Do you listen?

Every Last One by Anna Quindlen

Cute book cover? I pick it! I have no idea
what this one is about, but I will find out! I'm serious about me picking books this way. Anna Quindlen...don't let me down.

The Hole in Our Gospel by
Richard Stearns

Believe it or not, this is the book that I won from my friend that he had a drawing for. I still haven't received it. However, it is supposed to be life changing. And well, so far, even though I've never had the book in my hands. It did change my life. I learned about where he got this book from for FREE! BookSneeze! No need to say God bless's THAT'S where I got it from. Whether I not I get it from him is not the question. I will read it. I just might embarrass him a little a long the way!

Wild at Heart by John Eldrege

No, I haven't lost my mind. I know that this book is for guys. However, I strongly recommend that all guys read Captivating. The need to know why we are the way we are. Why we like things that sparkle, why we love sunsets, why we love to be treated as if we are a princess being rescued by our prince. Maybe then they would understand us. I'm not saying all guys are completely blind to this theory...but the rest need to learn to protect a woman's heart, to romance her and love her the way that God loves her and the way that God intended man to love her. That's why I want to read Wild at Heart. It's been on my list for so long, but I've never gotten there. I need to know why guys want to be the rescuer, the caretaker, the man of the house. I need to know these things so that one day, this knowledge may actually be needed in my life.

Harry Potter, Books 1-7 by J.K. Rowling

I will forever have Harry Potter on my reading list. If you haven't read them, stop what you are doing, run to Barnes & Noble (or drive if you prefer) and buy Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone NOW! After you're done reading and you love can buy the next and the next and the next....and so on! I started reading these books as a senior in high school. I swore I would never read them...EVER! And now I have read them probably 127 times each. Okay, not that many...but lots. And if the movie was coming out this summer...well I would make you add that to your blockbuster list, but you will have to wait until Christmas. They're not kids books. They're magical stories that take you to another world that actually seems real. Harry Potter Land at Disney World here I come!! (MEG! Road trip there!?!?! YES?!) And another side note of wonderful goodness - J.K. Rowling is thinking about releasing another Harry Potter book in 10 years. I was devastated at the end of 7. Now I have hope there will be another! And 10 years...that's nothing.

Well, that's the end of my list. I don't know about you, but I have a lot of reading to do! Maybe it can be my 2010 Must Reads list? Do you have a favorite book suggestion for me? I'd love to hear it! Happy Reading!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Little Secret...

If you haven't met BookSneeze yet, well you need to introduce yourself. It's my newest, favorite website! For some reason, my friends who know that I LOVE to read decided to keep their little secret to themselves. How did I discover it you ask? Well, it just so happens that I actually won a free book from one of my friends that was giving one away. I was excited! I won! And then I discovered wait, he got it too - for FREE! I actually still haven't received that free book from my friend (you know who you are and I hope you feel reaaaaally guilty right now!), but you know what I have tons of other free books to choose from too. And they're actually really good reads! I'm telling you...I am one of those people that judges a book by it's cover. If it's not pretty, I am NOT picking you up to even read what you're about. If it is pretty, well you get to be the lucky book I pull off the shelf. I first read the back and if I'm interested I go ahead and read the first page. If I'm not captured in that first 20 seconds. You're done. Back on the shelf. On to the next book. I'm serious. This is how I choose my books at Barnes and Noble. I eventually find that lucky book that I take to the register and I am rarely disappointed. And needless to say, when I hear that will be $27.89 it hurts. We shouldn't have to spend that much on books! I do shop on Amazon for a lot of my books, but the only problem is that I have to wait for it in the mail. And while I do LOVE mail...when I want to read a book - by gosh I want to do it now! So I have decided to go the free way...and it still gets mailed, but I think BookSneeze is faster than Amazon. It's simple. All you have to do is visit, and create an account. Choose your first book - I am currently reading Plan B by Pete Wilson and let me tell you it speaks to my heart. They will then mail you your book in 7-10 days. Read your book. Then post a review about the book you read on your blog and on a review on a consumer website (,,, etc.) and mention that Thomas Nelson allowed you the opportunity to review the book. After you have done that, let BookSneeze know and submit the pages where they are posted. Then request your next book! Easy, huh!? I hope you enjoy this website that I had been hidden from for so long. Happy Reading!!